Section: Scientific Foundations

Scientific Foundations

The project develops tools and theory in the following domains: Discrete Mathematics (in particular Graph Theory), Algorithmics, Combinatorial Optimization and Simulation.

Typically, a telecommunication network (or an interconnection network) is modeled by a graph. A vertex may represent either a processor or a router or any of the following: a switch, a radio device, a site or a person. An edge (or arc) corresponds to a connection between the elements represented by the vertices (logical or physical connection). We can associate more information both to the vertices (for example what kind of switch is used, optical or not, number of ports, equipment cost) and to the edges (weights which might correspond to length, cost, bandwidth, capacity) or colors (modeling either wavelengths or frequencies or failures) etc. Depending on the application, various models can be defined and have to be specified. This modeling part is an important task. To solve the problems, we manage, when possible, to find polynomial algorithms. For example, a maximum set of disjoint paths between two given vertices is by Menger's theorem equal to the minimum cardinality of a cut. This problem can be solved in polynomial time using graph theoretic tools or flow theory or linear programming. On the contrary, determining whether in a directed graph there exists a pair of disjoint paths, one from s 1 to t 1 and the other from s 2 to t 2 , is an NP-complete problem, and so are all the problems which aim at minimizing the cost of a network which can satisfy certain traffic requirements. In addition to deterministic hypotheses (for example if a connection fails it is considered as definitely down and not intermittently), the project started recently to consider probabilistic ones.

Graph coloring is an example of concept which appears in various contexts: WDM networks where colors represent wavelengths, radio networks where colors represent frequencies, fault tolerance where colors represent shared risk resource groups, and scheduling problems. Another tool concerns the development of new algorithmic aspects like parameterized algorithms.